Hello everyone! Shirley and Pierre here. We are partners in life, in travels, and now in authoring this website!
We were both fortunate to have caught the travel bug while growing up, as our parents made sure we got to see different countries and experience different cultures from an early age. Moreover, we were both born in Europe and we have lived in different countries throughout our lives so we feel more like citizens of the world rather than having a specific “home country.”
We live in New York, and are active members of “corporate America.”When the time came to start working full time, after our studies, we came to the realization that we would have to be creative in order to make the most if our limited vacation days (and limited budget) if we still wanted to be able to travel like we used to.
Over time, traveling has actually become our main hobby. Between, scouting good deals, planning, booking, going on the trip, and triaging through our pictures, we don’t have much time to get bored before the next trip starts!
Why Travel Makes Happy?
There is no place like “away from home” for us. We love to explore new regions and new countries as often as we can. As much as we are dedicated to doing well in our jobs, the moments in life when we are the happiest are when we travel together, hence the site name.
What will you find on Travel Makes Happy?
We often read people’s testimonials on blogs while planning our trips. These articles are often the most useful resources available, and we want to pay it forward as well. We would like to do more than just sharing our journey with you. Instead, we want to share everything we wish we knew before taking our trips. We also want to create a resource for anyone looking for inspiration for their next trip. In order to do that, we will share detailed itineraries, as well as location specific practical information and advice. Finally we would like to provide general travel tips to maximize your travel experience. This way, we hope to eventually become a go-to resource for anyone planning a trip.